The most important facility in the school is a large student area affectionately known as the "Drafting Room" with a desk assigned to each student. Large worktables and a lounge area encourage students to work together on team projects, class assignments, and Sustainable Communities Lab. This setting is a true asset to the school and greatly enhances the educational, professional, and social environment for the graduate students. By creating a space in which students can both work and eat together, the school enables students to get projects done, to assist each other, and to enjoy each other's company.  





The school's space also includes a meeting room available to students, faculty, and staff--the Fishbowl Meeting Room and Teleconferencing Center. The Fishbowl includes two large HD screens, a computer, and teleconferencing equipment that enables students and faculty to meet with project partners in Iowa and beyond. The Fishbowl is also designed for students to do remote interviewing and for media presentations.

the drafting room, summer 2017
the drafting room lounge area, summer 2017
the computer cluster, summer 2017

A University-operated Instructional Technology Center (ITC) is also part of school facilities, promoting computer-based instruction. Students are expected to become proficient at using a variety of graphic, GIS, and modeling software packages. These computers are networked to laser and color printers. The facility contains 18 computers.

The Drafting Room and ITC are conveniently located adjacent to faculty and staff offices. This makes it much easier for students to have face to face conversations with faculty and staff about their work and their academic program.

The school maintains a library designed to support the education and research missions of our programs. The library houses a growing collection of reports, monographs, and journals in numerous areas of specialization, and it also serves as a reading and meeting room and adjunct computer lab with six computers. 

Finally, the school's space includes a classroom in which many of our classes are taught.

the SURP library, summer 2017