The majority of the following forms are set up in the university's paperless Workflow system.

  • Clicking on the links below will open a Workflow login request. When the form is submitted, it will be routed automatically for approvals.
  • Students may view the routing history in their Workflow inbox by clicking on "My History" and hovering over the actions icon associate with the form.
  • It is the student's responsibility to make sure all approvals are completed.
  • When all approvals are complete, the student should contact their advisor to confirm that the form has been uploaded to their student record.

Area of Concentration - MPA

Area of Concentration - URP

Certificate in Transportation Studies - Completion

Change of Advisor

Internship Approval

Internship Credit Approval - submit to advisor with internship paper

Internship - Employer's Report on SPPA Intern (not a Workflow form)

Plan of Study (must be accessed through student's MyUI account)

Waiver of Core Course Requirements - This is an internal SPPA form. If the student has already registered for the course but receives waiver approval, they must then drop the course in MyUI.